Monday, February 11, 2019

Coz She's just a GIRL

She's just an ordinary girl...
The one that always with a smile on her face...
The one that doesn't shows how tired she is whilst growing up...
She's just a girl...
What else can I say??
She wasn't perfect....
She made mistakes too...
She screw up in her life..
She regrets for every single mistakes she did...
She cries in her sleeps...
She pretends that she's fine...
She shows that she's strong!!
She keeps hurting herself while making people happy...
She doesn't stop even her stories were too tiring...
She feels you!
She keeps her best to comfort your sorrow...
She falls in love....but it's not her luck....
In facts....
Her little heart breaks into pieces but she keeps on lying that "I'm fine"....
Her tears fall without anyone notice it...
The smile on her face, was just to hide the tears she cried...
She feels so small....
She feels so wrong of falling for the guy who doesn't see her...
She feels sorry for every single things she does...
She feels bad for irritating the people that she loves most..
She feels so out of place when she knows that people are happier without her...
What more can I say?????
She's just a girl....
So fragile.....
So lonely...
So tired...
So broken....
Stop expecting her to be PERFECT....
Stop telling her that she's bad....
Stop blaming her for the pasts she had...
Stop asking her to express her feelings!!
Stop pushing her to stop being so numb!
Stop forcing her to grow up..
Stop making her to fall in love....
Because she's just a girl...
The imperfections she has creates HER....
The mistakes she did taught her lessons....
The pasts she had made her stronger...
The feelings she hide helps her to move on..
She grew up more than you know....she faced lots more than what she can tell....
The love she had was taken away.....
And she's just a girl....
Let her grows.....
Let her dreams...
Let her cries...
Let her laugh...
Let her live her life...
Because she's just a girl....

Because I am just a girl...

Friday, January 4, 2019

Thousand miles journey starts with a single step

Maaf tak sempat untuk update..

Apa yang aku nak cerita, sila ambil yang positif..
sebab yang buruk tu semua datang dari aku... Yang Baik tu semua dari Allah..
Aku dan Kau sama-sama HAMBA...
Maka, tak perlu kau jadi TUHAN untuk hakimi aku...

Aku masih lagi bertatih...
masih lagi dalam JIHAD perbetulkan diri...
Iman masih goyah....
Aurat masih belum tertutup sempurna..
Solat masih belum Khusyuk sepenuhnya...
Maka siapalah aku disisiNYA??
Berhenti persoalkan siapa kita...
Tapi bermulalah mengorak langkah membentuk siapa yang kita INGINKAN...
NAWAITU itu penting...

Bermulalah dengan NIAT...
Lalu melangkah lah dengan TEKAD...
Langkah pertama sentiasa yang paling mencabar, 
JANGANlah takut untuk bermula...

Kerana tanpa langkah pertama, 
kekal di takuk lama selamanya...

Take your First Step NOW...
Because Death is coming to you....
maybe SOONER than you think...
Jangan lengahkan untuk kembali ke FITRAH kita hanya kerana kita masih muda...
kerana MATI itu tidak mengenal USIA...

"A man who decided to change on the TWELFTH hour; DIED on ELEVENTH"
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